joi, 25 iunie 2020

Autopsy of Mme Competence from Grenoble

Madame Competence from Grenoble was killed by the clever guys who bought with little money emblematic companies of France. Like Napoleon was defeated by a coalition, Madame Merlin Gerin was strangled by Electric Schneider. This happened both with the products and people, leading to a lack of competency and finally to ZERO COMPETENCE...
The climax was on May 7, 2014 when a Schneider Electric lone exploded at tests @ Craoiva when the Competence entered the state of clinic death and the ZERO competency level was finally obtained on June 6, (6.6),6 years ago, when competency was disconnected from the apparatuses and after 3 days was buried, as mentioned the death certificate from June 9, 2014.
Madame Competence from Grenoble-Dauphine was killed by Herr Schneider without country...

Like in the case of Chernobyl disaster a squad of former secret agents liquidators infiltrated the weaken body of Mme Merlin Gerin, like a cancer who finally destroyed it.

In Romania this squad was led by this bitch who was better hired to twist chicken heads in an abattoir:

As you see in this original photo she is leftist, grey, imported by the former secret service officers and their offspring (Securitate) from Casa Poporului (former PCR, UTC and Securitate nest).
Introduced by her friend, former HR, before leaving for US.
What did the former HR for the liquidators' squad ?
She indexed last time the salaries to EUR and after 1 year EUR increased with 1 LEU, causing a loss of  25% to the salaries of all the working class from Schneider Romania, compensated by huge bonuses for the liquidators and their stoop servants...
The professor, the artisan of the distribution network, was also killed by the bitch above.
I already published his autopsy and his last wish from March 20, 2017 (Equinox 17).

Sorin Neagu, former technical manager, was detained in a glass cage like in our Antipa anthropolgy museum, safe from viruses and easier for the surveillance system i.e. ginitori & binganitori...
WHY ? Because he was the last in the line of Mme Competence from the past, he knew all the technical problems, the fake bids network across country, the circuits of black money, the hidden officers from everywhere. He was doubled by Florin Anghel, the perpetrator, son of a former officer working in Algeria. As Anghel's tecnical competence is ZERO (like he likes to say "tolerance" zero), mentioned by the professor Marin Ghinea, by the professor Florin H. and by the professor Nicolae G. , his former colleagues, he was a pseudo technical manager, in fact the liquidator of the services department and the killer of Mme Competence from Grenoble.
In 2010 they used this soothsayer, V.P (no I), another offspring of the former officer liquidators squad.

A stupid guy, a real moron, who interviewed me and the professor in order to WHAT ?
An alleged career advisor after the squad kicked our asses... An asshole...siphoning money...

Thanks God there still were persons w/o spine problems like my hero, Mr. Marko...

After other 4 years of guerrilla war (2010-2014) they used a traitor, the strategy of the Securitate in the conflict with the partisans from the mountains, otherwise impossible to defeat.

First attempt was of the couple Adrian Oprea & Claudiu Buca, the stupid guy who forgot to check the 20 KV  option for 8 big power transformers, action hidden by the squad because this was a shame for a fresh services manager. If he asked me there was no problem to return them because 22 KV is common in France. But the squad had nothing with competence... They left the transformers outside exposed to the elements and finally these were eliminated one by one from the stock by the Pink guy
and finally they were destroyed...

Claudiu is also the Godfather of the 100 pcs. 36 KV w/o SF6 pressure, a threat to the life of the operators of the CEZ wind park from Cogealac. A nightmare of quality problem from VEI Guardamiglio, made for Schneider, later closed after Veneziani, the last engineer, retired...
He sent me to Italy and tried to put me to manage this hot potato quality problem.
Finally Claudiu was sent back to the hole he came from, deported to his origin place because the Marco Polo scholarship couldn't transform a functional illiterate into a service manager.

The YESMAN starting with 2000 is the always 1 step above the working class Adrian Oprea, always ready to execute all aberrations (from his limited judgment or from the liquidators). Alleged ginitor & binganitor, we'll see soon in a dedicated article. The chinless and spineless as described by Razvan...

After they got sick of me, on April 25, 2014, they used a person who got bored of forging test reports. This guy whistled in the church, the squad tried to put me in charge of forging documents.
After sending them to their origins, the master of puppets, Florin Anghel, changed my 16 years service repair engineer job description into a day laborer job description, forcing me to take my Katana out of the sheath for the last battle.

On May 7, 2014 catastrophe clouds came over Schneider Romania. But this was only for the real people, not for the liquidators. Black money solved the problem, tests reported were forged, all are happy...

D-Day came for me, 6.6., 6 years ago...
Death of competence.
I have a wall with 10 diplomas from Grenoble. All piss on them because now you buy them even you are a functional illiterate.

WARNING !!! put alleged Schneider specialists who come to fix cubicles to do a simple working test before leaving them to destroy fine stuff manufactured when Merlin Gerin was alive !!!

P.S. - the funniest moment was when TALL Dan hired the EGGS merchant, husband of the HR dentist as services seller . This functional illiterate laughed when TALL Dan asked him to do the Sorin's technical test in order to be hired. He literally pissed on the Sorin's eliminator test...

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